Logo Collections
These collections are essentially our top 30 lists, for example the top 30 flower logos, the top 30 modern logos and so on. These represent the best of our work, neatly arranged by subject!
Cool Three Dimensional (3D) Logos |
Modern logo design tends towards the flat, with simple, one-color designs and little else. But the art of creating visual depth is as old as art itself and artists and designers have wrestled with the problems of 3D throughout history. ...... |
The 30 Best Abstract Logos |
Most types of logos are industry-specific, and logo buyers often want the logo to give some indication of the type of business. But this does not have to be the case. Nothing in the Apple, Google or Windows logos gives ...... |
Top 30 Animal Logos |
Animals, from the cute to the terrifying, make for great logos. We often see animals featuring as team mascots, but increasingly we also see animals used in serious company logos... and why not! Here are our top 30 animals logos.... |
30 Stunning Architecture Logos |
Houses and buildings with iconic shapes and designs often feature in modern logos related to architecture, but architects also sometimes look to abstract and letter logos for their firms. For the sake of keeping this page on-topic, we are listing ...... |
30 Great Arrow Logos |
The arrow started off as something you shoot from a bow, and became a symbol all its own, with little reference to its military past. Today it widely symbolizes movement of any sort, making it very, very useful to the ...... |
Beautiful Bird Logos |
With bird logos we seem to have two definite groups: Cute bird logos and eagles! The cute group includes logos that play on the beauty, elegance and freedom that we associate with birds, while eagles show strength and majesty making ...... |
30 Great Building Logos |
With their elegant and mostly straight lines, buildings make for great logos, ranging from the somewhat standard collection of lines forming a roof or skyscraper to very intricate designs. This is our top 30 building logos.... |
30 Cool Cartoon Logos |
Cartoons and mascot have long been used in logo design, primarily as sports team mascots. More recently the trend has spilled over to normal, business logos too, with more and more companies plugging into the coolness factor that a cartoon ...... |
Top 30 Colorful Logos on Biz-Logo |
The use of bright colors in logos is relatively new. In the pre-Internet age, company logos were often monotone and fairly serious. With modern, cheaper reproduction techniques and full color monitors, having a colorful logo (Google, Microsoft), isn't impractical anymore. ...... |
Top 30 Compass Logos |
The compass is a popular logo subject and it is not hard to see why. It just brims with meaning. What better way to show that a company or organization is in the business of providing direction! This makes compasses ...... |
Top 30 Consulting Logos |
What makes a good consulting logo? With most industries the logo hints at what the company does, but consulting covers such a broad range of human endeavors that it is almost impossible to pin down to a particular symbol or ...... |
Thirty Cool Logos |
It's hard to define cool logos. How are they different from logos that are simply good? Perhaps cool is a combination of good and fresh. Here are some cool logos from the Biz-Logo collection.... |
Best Cross Logos |
The cross is probably the most dominant, recognizable symbol of the Christian faith and as such it featured prominently in the majority of church logos. More recently the move has been towards cleaner, simpler logos and the simple shape of ...... |
Thirty Amazing Decorative Logos |
The artist inside the logo designer tends to find it hard to not create decorative logos. We certainly have that problem! But it's a good problem to have. We love decorative logos and decorative elements in logo design. Here are ...... |
30 Awesome Dog Logos |
I'm a dog person. I just love how they don't hold back. When they are happy to see you, you know it because they wear their hearts on their sleeves! But back to logos, dogs are awesome there too. When ...... |
30 Great Eagle Logos |
The eagle is just one of those symbols that lends itself to logo design. The attributes that we assign to eagles, like freedom, majesty, power etc. all transfer to the company, in a manner of speaking, when the company uses ...... |
Top 30 Flower Logos |
Flowers, more specifically images of flowers, have been common in design virtually since the birth of visual design. Generally regarded as symbols of beauty and femininity, they remain popular in modern logo design. Whether you need a flower logo for ...... |
The Best Green Logos |
The top 30 green logos? Yes, green. It's not just a color. It is a symbol of our times, representing our world and our momentum towards sustainability and an environmentally friendly way of living. Companies is all sectors are realizing ...... |
Hearts and Love Logos: The top 30 |
The heart is one of those weird symbols that has taken on a life of its own, bearing no resemblance to an actual heart and symbolizing something quite separate from biology! Heart logos are not only for online dating and ...... |
30 Cool House Logos |
The simplified house symbol is popular in real estate and construction logos, presenting designers with a problem: There are so many house logos out there that it has become hard to come up with a house concept that rises above ...... |
Top 30 Leaf Logos |
The leaf is a common and universal symbol of nature, health and growth. As such it is hardly a surprise that the leaf features prominently in the logo world, sometimes as a the primary logo element but more often around ...... |
Beautiful Letter-Based Logos |
Letters are incredibly versatile in logos. A letter logo featuring the company initial(s) is almost automatically unique, personal and memorable and a letter logo does not tie the company down to one area of business, but leaves the entrepreneur free ...... |
30 Beautiful Line Art Logos |
In logo design, simplicity is second only to creativity. Simpler logos are more memorable and usually more practical in various applications. A popular way to simplify a logo is to reduce the subject to lines - and then to only ...... |
30 Brilliant Modern Logos |
Modern logo design is a broad term to say the least. For a logo to qualify as modern, the design has to be in touch with the latest in style and design trends, but to be effective as a logo ...... |
30 Beautiful Monogram Logos |
Letters/monograms make extremely good logos. That's why we opted for a letter B logo for this web site! Combining a letter with other elements, like pages in our B example, creates an instantly recognizable, unique monogram. A monogram logo also ...... |
Awesome Mosaic Logos |
The mosaic art comes down to us from ancient times and is as ingrained in our Western artistic tradition as painting or sculpture. Little wonder the mosaic look has found its way into logos as well, with many modern logos ...... |
The Top 30 Mountain Logos |
Apart from trees and leaves, mountains are probably the most common thing in nature-themed logos. It's understandable - a mountain logo does not tie the company to a specific product or service so they can be used in virtually any ...... |
Top 30 Ocean Logos |
It never look the same... The ocean with its many faces has always inspired the arts and it is no different in logo design. The many aspects and moods of the ocean lends itself brilliantly to logos that range from ...... |
30 Cool Pixel and Pixelation Logos |
Pixels, the symbol of modern day graphics and IT, have found there way into logo design in a big way. Almost anything can be drawn with pixels and any type of logo can be designed in a pixelated way. These ...... |
30 Brilliant Plant Logos |
With the momentum of environmentalism and with conservation becoming more than a buzz-word, logos with plant themes are particularly popular. If it's green, nature-y or leafy, it gets extra points! Here are our favorite plant logos.... |
Top 30 Rainbow Logos |
Rainbows and rainbow colored logos (think Google) are extremely popular, and with good reason. The bright colors give the logo a very open, friendly, approachable look. Thanks to Google and the Microsoft Windows logo there is also a strong IT/tech ...... |
Top 30 Roof Logos |
The roof shape in logos is extremely common in the real estate and construction industries, making it hard for a new company to carve out a brand with a roof logo. That said, there are many creative ways a roof ...... |
Best Security and Shield Logos |
The shield as a symbol predates modern logos by centuries, going back at least to medieval times and coats of arms. From that heritage the shield found its way into logos, often associated with the security industry but by no ...... |
30 Brilliantly Simple Logos |
Simplicity is king in logo design, but uniqueness is an absolute requirement for every logo. The dilemma is: The simpler we make the logo, the more likely it becomes that someone made a similar logo before. Creating a logo that ...... |
Cool Star Logos |
The star symbol bears little resemblance to an actual star (huge, burning ball of gas), but has taken on a life of its own, separate and distinct from the thing it originally referred to. Stars are common in abstract logos ...... |
Top Sunrise Logos |
As symbols of a new beginning or a fresh start, nothing quite beats a good sunrise. It is also versatile enough to be used very effectively in almost any industry, from church logos to IT logos. If a sunrise logo ...... |
Top 30 Tree Logos |
Tree logos, what's not to like! Trees are often used in logos to symbolize nature or growth, but they are also common in church logos and, since the birth of the electronic age, in IT logos too, commonly symbolizing networks ...... |
30 Cool Wave Logos |
With wave logos, more often than not the wave in the design is abstract, consisting of multiple lines making up the wave shape or implying a wave through use of shape and color. Whether you need a logo for a ...... |
The Top 30 Wings Logos |
Wings in logos are most often associated with flight (pilot's wings badges) and they are common in modern, heraldic eagle and bird logos. More generally, wings symbolize freedom. As such they are found in all industries, from motorcycle logos to ...... |