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How pre-designed logos work (Case study) |
Logo ID | 2424 |
Status | Sold (This logo has been sold and we cannot resell it to you - and you can't bribe us either!) |
Published | 2012-04-11 |
Collection | pre-designed-17 |
In front of the logo, a swoosh design in slight convex format, forms the basis on which the rest of the logo is fermented. The rectangle rises from this swoosh having the left and right walls colored blue. The walls are conspicuously drawn in one thick line each. On top of the rectangle, another miniscule rectangle is designed, lightly attached to the two frames on each side of it. A second swoosh appears from the left end of the first swoosh, flinging itself across the rectangle ending outside the other side of the rectangle. The logo design is colored blue, dark blue, gray and white. The company name is drawn at the bottom of the logo.
framing doors entrances passage access entry blue grey archway
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