Consulting Logo

Consulting Logo

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Consulting Logo
Image file: consulting-logo.gif

The logo design on display, is a custom logo by

Our clients from Little Silver, NJ, United States of America preferred the services offered in the Bronze Package.

The price of the Consulting Logo design services in the Bronze Package is $249.00 (USD).

The Bronze Package offers 10 unique logo concept designs. The turnaround time is 2 business days between each concept design file. Our clients received 6 concept designs before calling for finalization of one of the best of the designs.

The logo image is that of 8 professional business men and women, grouped together. The silhouettes of the 8 people are etched against an open background. The 8 people are positioned in one single row. The first and second of the figures are enfolded by a large swoosh. The swoosh stretches from underneath the second figure's feet on the left hand side, passing the backs of the first two figures, swooping in a wide angle over the rest of the figures. The swoosh is compiled of two swooshes, adjacent to each other.

The name of the company is designed at the right hand side, commencing near the head of the sixth figure. The first two words of the company name is designed next to each other. The last word of the company name is designed just underneath the first two words. The upper two words are designed in small letters. The third word is designed in capital letters.

The Right of Ownership Mark is designed as a full stop at the bottom of the third word.

The colors of the Consulting logo are Fill: 100% PANTONE 301 C, Outline: None, Fill: White, Outline: None and Fill: Fountain, Outline: None.

The fonts of the Consulting logo are Futura LT ExtraBold (Normal)(ENU).

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