Bath Swoosh Logo

Bath Swoosh Logo

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Bath Swoosh Logo
Image file: bath-swoosh-logo.gif

Our client from Hollister-Missouri, had explicit requirements for her company logo and bought our Custom Silver Package for $299 (USD) which provides 15 concept designs to choose from.

Being in the Shower Door Wholesale Industry, our client wanted something bold with clean lines, not overly detailed. Since the White River runs all along their delivery route and is well known throughout the area they serve, she asked our designer to incorporate something with a river in it.

This design consists of the company name designed in white and blue against a black background. A blue curving swoosh can be seen flowing in an upwards direction from the left part of the letter V in the company name, indicating the flowing of water. Completing this logo , a white curving swoosh was designed, centred above the middle section of the company name.

Colors used:
Curve Fill G:255

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