Snake Wings Logo

Snake Wings Logo

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Snake Wings Logo
Image file: snake-wings-logo.gif

Our client is from Maple, ON L6A 2V3, Canada.

The logo design displayed on this page is an image of a caduceus. The caduceus is an icon of the medical profession. The caducei referred to an ancient Greek and Roman herald's wand. This graphic image is typical of the one with the one serpent twined round it.

The serpent is graphically expressed, using swooshes. Four individual swooshes curves around a pole. The pole itself has been omitted. The curves of the snake took on the form of the pole. The tail of the snake is positioned at the foot of the logo. The head of the snake is positioned on top of the swooshes. The tail and head were created by swooshes. The head of the snake is turned to the right side. Two swooshes on each side of the body of the snake, indicates wings. The wings were drawn to the top of the logo. Each alternative swoosh is colored red, followed by a dark gray color.

The Snake Wings Logo carries the company name to the right side. The name of the company is compiled by three words. The first word is designed in bold red capital letters. The following two words are designed below the name. These two words are designed in smaller capital letters.

The names of the colors are: red -- Fill: 100% PANTONE 1945 C; deep gray -- Fill: 40% Black, Outline: None.

The name of the font used to design the text is FrizQuadrata BT (38.631 pt and 88.848 pt).

No border lines or drop shadows were added to the logo.

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