Simple Letter A Logo

Simple Letter A Logo

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Simple Letter A Logo
Image file: simple-letter-a-logo.gif

Our client is from Balaklava, XX 5461, Australia.

The Simple Letter A Logo is designed in upright position.

The letter A shown on this page is a graphic design composed of four graphic design characters. The first character is the front face of the letter A. As the letter A is designed facing side ways, the front of the letter A is the entrance to the 3D letter A. The letter A has a delicate border line colored white. The front face of the letter A is designed in one brush stroke.

The second graphic design character is the portion designed behind the letter A. This portion follows the contours of the front face of the letter A. The first and second characters are joined. The inner section of the letter A has the same imprint as on the upper section of the front face.

The third graphic design character is the closing of the letter A. The letter has no horizontal cross bar. The bar rests on the base of the logo, leaving a open space between the bar and the two side walls.

The fourth graphic design character is the placement of the company name. The name of the company consists of two words, adjacent to one another.

The names of the colors of the logo is blue: Fill: 100% PANTONE 288 C; light blue: Fill: 70% PANTONE 288 C; dark lemon yellow: Fill: 100% PANTONE 4515 C.

The name of the font used to design the text is Franklin Gothic Medium Co (55.21 pt).

The logo has no border lines or drop shadow.

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