Presbytarian Church Ocean Logo

Presbytarian Church Ocean Logo

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Presbytarian Church Ocean Logo
Image file: presbytarian-church-ocean-logo.gif

Our clients are from Okinawa Island. Their church has grown into the necessity of having a logo design. was contracted to design a custom logo for their church. With the meticulous guidelines from our clients, a partnership was established between our clients and one of our senior graphic designers.

The finalized logo design on this page depicts a cross as main theme in the logo. The cross, icon of the Christian faith, is designed within the parameters of a shield. An open Bible is designed below the upper beam of the cross. The Bible is placed in the center of the lower part in the space inside the borders of the shield. The two sections beneath the open Bible are colored light brown, depicting the beach sand. Between the upper portion of the open Bible and the beam of the cross, is designed a blue horizon. The Bible has black fringe lines contrasting excellently against its light background. On top of the beam of the cross and the borders of the shield is designed three sea birds in flight. Two of the birds appear on the right side of the cross and the other on the left side of the cross.

The name and strap line of the church is designed to the right side of the logo. The strap line is under girded by a sand colored bar, hosting the strap line of the church. The bar curves adjacent to the shield before
straightening out in a horizontal position.

The name of the font used to design the name of the church is Tahoma (77.267 pt). The same font but differing in sizes, is used for the design of the rest of the text.

The names of the colors are: sandy yellow - Fill: C:23 M:38 Y:100 K:2, Outline: None; black - Fill: Black, Outline: None; Fill: White, Outline: None. The various blue colors are called Fill: Fountain, Outline: None.

The Presbytarian Church Ocean Logo has not border lines nor a drop shadow.

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