Letter S W Banking Logo

Letter S W Banking Logo

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Letter S W Banking Logo
Image file: letter-s-w-banking-logo.gif

Mableton, GA, United States of America, is the location of our clients.

The logo design exhibited on this page is an originally designed logo. The Letter S W Banking Logo now belongs to our clients.

The graphic image displays two letters from the Western alphabet. The letters S and W. These letters are the initial part of our clients company name. Both these letters were designed by hand, so to speak. These letters do not exist elsewhere in the same format. The letter S takes the prominent place and is thus larger than the rest of the script. The letter S design simulates a broad ribbon, fashioned in wide equal proportions. It has an aura of victory about it. The second letter, the letter W, nestles partly inside of the letter S. The letter W is designed in a staunch fashion with exact points of contact with itself as a design and two flip-out wings at each side at the upper part of it.

The full name of the company of our clients is designed at the bottom right of the logo.

The logo is colored dark brown named Fill: 100% PANTONE 477 C, also reflected in the name and strap line of the company. The rest of the logo (part of the letter S and full in the case of the letter W) is colored green. The graphic name of this color is Fill: 100% PANTONE 376 C.

The name of the font used to design the name and strap line of our clients company is called Museo 100-Bold or can be substituted by the font called Adobe Caslon Pro Bold-Bold(Western).

The logo is free from border lines and a drop shadow.

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