Letter D Data Business Logo

Letter D Data Business Logo

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Letter D Data Business Logo
Image file: letter-d-data-business-logo.gif

Our client from Edgemead, Cape Town, South Africa bought the logo displayed on this page.

The Letter D Data Business Logo is an original graphic design by the studios of Biz-Logo.com.

The graphic image focused on the design of the name of client's company. With the pre-designed letter D already in place, the graphic design began to unfold. The name of the company contains nine letters. The name is composed of two words. The first letter of the first word begins with a D. That said, the rest of the nine letters were designed to the right of the pre-designed letter D. The two words were joined together.

The font used to design the eight letters of the company name is FrnkGothicITC Bk BT (67.045). The name of the font used to design the strap line is FrnkGothicITC Bk BT (28.11).

The strap line is designed right below the company name.

The colors are: Orange: Fill: 100% PANTONE 159 C. Black: Fill: Black, Outline: None.

The logo carries no drop shadow or border lines.

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