Leaf Logo

Leaf Logo

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Leaf Logo
Image file: leaves-logo.gif

The logo on exhibition on this page is the property of our clients.

The green leaf of a plant is designed in three portions. The main section of the design is curved in a convex format. The middle of the green leaf is colored white, commencing from the left side and ending just before the end of the right side. The white curve is also designed in convex format.

On the out side of the leaf are designed two swooshes, flowing in the same format than the leaf. The upper curve is colored light green. The bottom curve is colored dark green.

The name and slogan of the company is designed to the right side of the logo. A swoosh finishes off the far right part of the name of the company.

The name of the colors is: light green of the upper curve and name of the company: Fill: 100% PANTONE 376 C. The green interior of the leaf: Fill: 100% PANTONE 576 C. The green of the bottom curve and slogan: 100% PANTONE 378 C.

The fonts used to design the name on the company are called Adore. The fonts used to design the slogan are called GothicNo13 BT.

No drop shadow or borderlines were designed.

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