Insurance Logo

Insurance Logo

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Insurance Logo
Image file: insurance-logo.gif

Our client is from Manhattan Beach, California.

The Insurance Logo displayed on this page was created from scratch by the studios of The logo was bought by our client and colors, name placement and fonts were experimented with. The result is the perfect choice of our client before he requested finalization of his project.

The logo image is that of two puzzle pieces. The pieces are designed into a cube or rectangle. The smaller piece to be fitted into the larger piece is designed to the left top of the logo. The puzzle is slightly tilted to the left side inside the rectangle. The color of both the puzzle pieces is white. The upper right corner of the rectangle is colored deep blue. The lower right corner of the rectangle is colored deep green. The rest of the rectangle is colored in various shades of green.

The name and tag line of the company are designed to the right side of the logo. The first two letters of the first word of the company name are embedded into the white center of the puzzle. The tag line follows directly under the name of the company.

The name of the font used to design the text in, is MicrogrammaDBolExt.

The name and slogan of the company are colored in deep blue, deep green and light green.

The names of the colors are: deep blue - Fill: 100% PANTONE 2748 C; deep green: Fill: Fountain; light green - Fill: 100% PANTONE 357 C; and various shades of green: Fill: Fountain.

The Insurance Logo is without border lines or shadow base.

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