Construction Design Logo

Construction Design Logo

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Construction Design Logo
Image file: construction-design-logo.gif

Our client is from Sherrills Ford.

The logo design depicted on this page is a pre-designed logo.

The logo embraces the name of the company and the character of the business. The logo itself is an image of the letter L. The letter L is part of the Western alphabet. The letter L is slightly slanting upwards and away from the viewer. To the right side of the Letter L is designed a rectangle. The rectangle is smaller and fits inside the letter L.

The name of the company is compiled by letters from the Western alphabet. The letters form one word. The word is designed in bold capital letters. The color of these letters are green. The name of the company is designed below the logo.

An horizontal line drawn in the color black, separates the name of the company and the nature of the business.

The Construction Design Logo is void of border lines. No shadow base was designed.

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