Physical Therapy Logo

Physical Therapy Logo

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Physical Therapy Logo
Image file: physical-therapy-logo.gif

Our client is from Edmonton, Canada.

The logo design on this page is the sole property of our client. Our client paid the asked price of $125.90.

In this price range, offered unlimited alterations to colors, fonts and placement of the company name and tag line. The logo image itself stayed static. A Transfer of Copyright Document is offered free of charge. The archiving of our client final design files is free of charge. That means that our client may need his finalized logo design files in 10 years time and will have them ready for use!

The logo displayed on this page is a pre-designed logo. All graphic design art work by is authentic and designed by real highly qualified graphic designers. The graphic designers are in-house designers.

The logo image is composed of a group of 4 design objects. The first object is the cartoon person. The second object is the rectangle. The third object is the swoosh and the last object is the design of the company name and tag line.

The cartoon person is designed inside a rectangle. The person is designed with arms stretched out and upwards. The rectangle shows at the back of the left and right of the head of the person. The rectangle glides down at the back of the cartoon person, ending at a lower portion of the cartoon person. The rest of the rectangle does not show. The swoosh is designed as part of the lower portion of the cartoon person, ending as part of the right arm of the cartoon person.

The company name and tag line underneath the company name is designed to the right hand side of the logo.

The names of the colors are Fill: Black, Outline: None, Fill: 100% PANTONE 5545 C, Outline: None, Fill: 100% PANTONE 7421 C, Outline: None, Fill: White, Outline: None and Fill: R:225 G:225 B:225, Outline: None.

The name of the fonts is Gill Sans MT Condensed (Normal)(ENU).

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