Custom Logo: Budget Logo Design Package ($149 USD)
To read more about this package, see the package detail page.

Custom logo with unlimited revisions
One-time payment (you don't pay more later!)

Your name

Your email

Company name
Type it exactly as you want it in your logo

Your tag line or slogan Not Required
or any other secondary text you would like included with the logo

What do you have in mind? Not Required
If you want a lion riding a unicycle, this is where you tell us! Tell us what you like and what you don't like. If you want a specific font or specific colors in the logo, mention that too. The more information you give us here, the better!

Have a style in mind?
Not Required

Use these sliders to give us a rough idea of the style you want for this logo.

If you're unsure, just leave the slider more or less in the middle. We will figure it out as we go.

(It's also OK to change your mind later. This is just to get us started.)

Anything else? Not Required
Comments? Special instructions? Questions?


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