Logo Design Examples: logo-design.jpg
Before you come to us or any other logo design company, make sure you understand your customers. Who are they? What do they want? The most important consideration in logo design is to have a logo that sells. Your logo design has to appeal to your customers first.
We did a "Fly Adventures" logo design for a South African extreme sports company. The logo design had to work on a:
So ask yourself: Are my customers typically thrill-seekers interested in an adrenalin rush or are they business owners looking for simple solutions to business problems? Who are they and what's important to them?
Whatever your customer wants, your logo design must tell them that they found it.
The more crowded your market, the more important it becomes to rise above the noise - and nothing rises above the noise like a unique logo design.
a time when search engines like Infoseek, Excite and Lycos all
tried to be more high-tech than everyone else, Google entered
the market with a logo design that looked like something made
from Lego blocks.
In all fairness, their logo design is only one part of their success, but with a logo design as unique as this, getting noticed is easy.
It gave them an edge.
Your logo design should do the same.
We regularly receive logo design orders from people who want the logo to show what they sell.
It's good to have a logo design that shows customers what you sell, but it is far more important to have a simple logo.
Mercedes Benz knows this. So does Esso, McDonalds,
Toyota, Apple, etc. etc.
Why does it matter?
It matters because you need to create brand awareness.
Most of your customers will NOT buy from you the first time they hear your name or see your logo - and if your name or logo is hard to remember, every time they see it will be the first time.
It has to stick. If it doesn't, your marketing efforts will never be as effective as they can be.
In most cases a full color logo design looks better and understandably it is also the one most people choose.
But depending on your needs, a logo with limited colors or even a one-color logo design might be the more sensible option.
The JV Miller logo is an excellent example of a simple yet elegant one-color logo design.
The client needed something classy but did not want to spend a fortune on printing, so we recommended going with only one color.
Choose your color-depth according to your budget and marketing plan. If you're placing your logo design on a delivery van or web site, a full-color design is well worth the extra printing cost. If your logo will mostly be seen on faxes and photocopies, a simple one-color design is more practical.
So your niece is pretty good at this arty stuff?
Don't even think about it.
The benefits of using a real logo design company is that they
understand what makes a good logo design
know what kind of files you need for printing
work faster and do it better
often offer support after completion of the
Fortunately for you, you've already found one of the best logo design companies on the Net...
We do it better - and we'll give you your money back if you don't agree.
Logo design is what we do. At Biz-Logo.com we specialize in creating sales-getting business logos.
Although our prices are very competitive, we are not the cheapest logo design company. There are literally hundreds of logo design companies on the Net to choose from.
So why choose Biz-Logo?
We are the only logo design firm (that we know of) that offers an UNCONDITIONAL money-back guarantee. Paying a couple of dollars more is well worth it when you get EXACTLY what you want - and your company needs - or your money back.
You have the option to ask for a refund at any time during the logo design process. One email to our customer support address (help@biz-logo.com) gets you a full and immediate refund. No questions asked.
This means you can try us risk-free and decide for yourself if the logo design we come up with is worth the money.
Our different logo design packages puts a professional logo design within your reach, no matter how small your budget.
Click here to browse our logo design packages.
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If you have a question you want answered before ordering your logo design, please ask. We'll send you all the information you ask for and absolutely NOTHING else. No spam - ever.
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