Reflection Logo

Reflection Logo

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Reflection Logo
Image file: reflection-logo.gif

The instructions from our clients were precise : their logo had to have swooshes. The swooshes must be shiny with a reflection 3D look. All other ideas for the design project were left in the creative hands of their designer.

Our clients paid $149-00 (USD) for the Budget Package by Over here our clients received 3 original designs. They had to choose the best design. This chosen design received all the creative attention of their graphic designer. Unlimited designs are offered. On the 4th business day, receiving 11 graphic designs, our clients called for finalization.

The logo image has three swooshes. The swooshes curve upwards and parallel to each other narrowing spaces between them at the top of the design. The swooshes reflects beneath the top swooshes, fading into the name of the company designed at the base of the logo.

The colors of the logo are metallic blue, red and gray.

The name of the company is designed in small letters. The name is designed at the base of the logo.

Border lines are non-existing.

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